Cornish Nomad Golfing Society
Cornish Nomad Golfing Society
The Cornish Nomad Golfing Society was formed in 1966 when a Truro businessman Albert Wright had the idea of bringing together regular golfers from various parts of Cornwall who enjoyed the company of other golfers irrespective of their golfing ability. The main object to provide competitive golf under social conditions with regular meetings on courses primarily in Cornwall.
Members must be a member of a Cornish Club and must attend 50% of the meetings annually. New membership shall be by invitation and become a guest for a number of meetings.
The Society meet at a different club each month, normally on a Sunday and play a Fourball Stableford competition and afterwards enjoy social fellowship in the Clubhouse during and after the match meal.
Albert Wright
Founder Members
AE Wright R Curtis B Lyon J Pascoe WH Cleave P Glanville
A McCleod O Martin P Hobbs G Sanders L Thomas RF Ewing